…A New Approach to Business Coverage


Business AVflash will roll out this week — on Wednesday morning — but to receive it in your mailbox, you’ll need to login to your AVweb account and register for the service (clicking the “register for the service” link from today’s AVflash will bypass this step and register you for the service, automatically). Business AVflash will offer a new spin on business aviation reporting, with a strong focus on general aviation business developments that are of critical interest to our readers. Aside from breaking news, we’ll also publish profiles on the companies, the products and the industry leaders that make headlines in the business of aviation. Of course, AVweb will continue to add its unique flavor to the reporting and writing in Business AVflash. Our new business news service will follow the same format we’ve offered in the past — specifically our familiar e-mailed bulletin and our expanded, illustrated coverage available at the click of a link to the AVweb site. This option allows you to read the entire scoop online or just the abbreviated version at an e-mail address of your choosing. We hope you enjoy our new service and look forward to your comments.