…Allowing Logbooks Instead Of Files…


One change that aims to ease the record-keeping burden will allow instructors (that’s right, the near-minimum-wage-earning future of aviation) to use logbook entries to document that they have checked a student’s citizenship … not that they’ve been even trained to spot a phony driver’s license, let alone a green card or visa. The rule originally required instructors to maintain records, with copies of proof of citizenship for each student, for five years. Now the instructor must note in the student’s logbook “I certify that [student] has presented to me a [document] establishing that [he or she] is a U.S. citizen or national …” The same entry must be made in the instructor’s logbook or record. Between the pay, the liability and the demonstrated stability of the industry, we’re sure the next generation of instructors can’t wait to get started. The TSA’s changes also limit the “citizenship validation” requirement to individuals receiving training for a new certificate or rating. Good luck with that new glider rating. (Sailplanes: the next great threat to our nation.) Any other activity — such as a flight review — does not require proof of citizenship.