AirVenture 2013 Product Minute Video: Bad Elf Lightning Dongle GPS
Bad Elf came to AirVenture 2013 with the Lightning Dongle GPS — a GPS that plugs directly into the iPad mini Lightning port. It offers better GPS accuracy and faster satellite lock-on than earlier Elf GPS receivers thanks to its WAAS/Glonass GPS receiver. Bad Elf’s Brett Hackleman gave AVweb’s Larry Anglisano a product tour.
Bad Elf came to AirVenture 2013 with the Lightning Dongle GPS -- a GPS that plugs directly into the iPad mini Lightning port. It offers better GPS accuracy and faster satellite lock-on than earlier Elf GPS receivers thanks to its WAAS/Glonass GPS receiver. Bad Elf's Brett Hackleman gave AVweb's Larry Anglisano a product tour.

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