AVweb’s AirVenture Survival Guide – Part Two
In the second part of this two-part series, Rick Durden covers what you need to know once you arrive, how to get around at the big show, what to do, and what not to do.
[Editor's Note: Rick wrote this Survival Guide several years ago and, by popular demand, we're reprinting it now with updates for 2007. Be sure to start with Part One.]In the first part of this series we focused on what you needed to know before you set out for Oshkosh. This second part focuses on what you need to know once you've arrived.
Fly-In Parking Information
Fly-in campers at AirVenture this year should call the telephone recording -- 920-230-7820 -- or check the Web page with information on parking availability before departing for OSH. While the arrival ATIS is the authority on the issue, these bits of information should be helpful as you depart as well as something to check during a fuel stop. For those of you who won't be going to AirVenture, I suspect the Web page will be worth visiting just to get a feel for how jammed the airport becomes.A superb arrangement by the parking czars comes to AirVenture from Sun 'n Fun. You can let them know where you want to park by preparing a sign ahead of time with the desired parking spot on it. In the past, as spaces have opened up, I've tried calling friends who were going to arrive to let them know of the row number. They had problems getting to the row. Now, there is hope that folks can hold up a sign to show where they desire to park. The AirVenture Aircraft Parking Web page includes the information you need to know about this new procedure.By the way, please don't hold the sign up until you have the airplane collected and off the runway. It wouldn't look too cool on the accident report as you explain you ground-looped on rollout because you were grabbing a sign to show where you wanted to park.
What To See
If you have not obtained a map of the area prior to arrival, make sure you get the big, thick guide to the convention when you register. Once you have cleared registration and rocketed off to view the hot item you wanted to see first, have a seat in the shade and look over the map of the grounds to set up a strategy as to what to see.
General Guidelines
The flight line has warbirds at the north end, homebuilts in the center, antique/classics at the south and ultralights and helicopters way south at their own grass runway. Antique/classic camping with the airplane is to the southwest of the flight line. Spam cans, that's most of us, have parking and camping on either side of the east/west runway which lies along the north side of the airport as well as way to the south end of things, seemingly all the way into Illinois. The old "West Ramp," now given corporate status as AeroShell Plaza, is about the center of everything, just southwest of the control tower, and is reserved for special displays. The vendor buildings are just west of the West Ramp. More vendor areas are scattered north of the West Ramp with the Fly Market northwest of the West Ramp. The Forum area has been expanded with buildings in addition to tents. The space allotted to forums and workshops is becoming more like a campus. The forums and workshops are almost invariably excellent, so plan to arrive early if you wish to sit.
The warbird area of the flight line will be blocked off about an hour or so prior to the air show, as the warbirds taxi out for their fly-pasts. Plan on seeing the warbirds before 1:00 p.m. each day or after the air show, as sometimes the area gets blocked off kind of early.
Dozens of excellent examples make a stroll south of "air show central" an essential exercise. Airplane-spotting trams run through the area.
The museum is a must-see item. There are always new exhibits prepared in time for AirVenture. It's free if you have a wristband for the day. The worst time to go is during a rainstorm, because it's packed. Buses run to it and Pioneer Airport, which is behind the museum, from the flight-line area on a regular basis.
Pioneer Airport
With its classically styled hangars and golden-age-of-flight aircraft, Pioneer Airport is well worth a walk. In fact, the walk west from the flight-line area through a park and the memorial hill to Pioneer Airport is a relaxing break from the bustle of the rest of the convention. There is usually a helicopter giving rides at Pioneer Airport.
The seaplane base requires a bus ride. The bus departs from the Quonset Hut at the south end of the antique/classic area. Go. You will be glad you did; it's an oasis of quiet and serenity. Set aside about three hours for the visit.
The forum tents are behind the north end of the flight line. The main problem with the forums is that they generally are so many very good ones that you can't get to all that you desire to attend.
Theater In The Woods
The Theater In The Woods is near the antique/classic parking area. Some of the evening shows are outstanding, others are awful. Speakers are usually very good, so if aviation humorists Rod Machado or Ralph Hood are going to perform, or any of the golden-age test or racing pilots, combat pilots or astronauts are going to speak, attend.When it comes to musical events, there is a distressing tendency toward the lowest common denominator such as country-western or pre-digested, bubble-gum lite. If you are not into tunes for the musically impaired, you may want to pass those up. Blues, jazz, reggae, classical, rock and roll and contemporary music generally doesn't make it to that venue. The times swing bands have performed have been truly wonderful, although you can't get over the feeling the organizers of the evening are a little shocked by such avant-garde music. Turnout for the good events is usually large, so it behooves one to arrive about a half-hour early. Because this is the Midwest, things generally start on time.
Bus Transportation
The transportation center for buses to the dorms at the University and to Appleton and Fond du Lac airports is west of the main entrance. The city bus route to the dorms usually runs thorough an area just west of the flight line, making it very convenient. It can jam up during times of heavy vehicle traffic and right after the air shows. The transportation center has always had very good signage and helpful people for those of us who wander around wondering if we can get there from here.
The Fly Market
Treasures, garbage, pretty good deals, frauds, religious fanatics and oddballs abound. It is a place you simply have to visit, if only to see what and who have shown up this year. There is no rule of thumb other than that the extraordinarily low prices that used to be a part of the Fly Market haven't been seen for years. The cost of renting vendor space is so high now that the most a dedicated shopper can hope for is slightly below catalogue prices. However, there is just so incredibly much wonderful junk in one place that the search for a treasure is too intriguing to pass up. Yes, you can find hundreds of used aviation books, great -- as well as hideous -- aviation T-shirts, and spark plugs for an OX-5.
The flight line runs north and south, parallel to Runway 18-36. The most visible object on the field is the control tower, which is located near the north end of Runway 18-36, a few hundred yards west. It is generally the baseline for giving directions.
Meeting Friends
If you are meeting people, the historic site call has been "Noon, Saturday, under the arch." Well, the main entrance to the flight line is no longer under the arch east of the control tower. The EAA arch is, however, a good spot to take a break or arrange to hook up with folks. Just to the southeast of the arch are a bunch of the little pedal planes moored so the pedals can be turned, turning the prop, without going anywhere. It is the best AirVenture photo op if you have a small child. I treasure the shot of my daughter as an infant in a miniature SNJ just like her grandpa flew.
Emergency Messages, Announcements/Paging
The PA system covers the entire flight line and there is always someone talking about something. After 15 minutes, most people tune out the PA system, which is a problem because it is also used for paging and emergency messages. If you need to reach someone in an emergency, go to the speakers' stand east of the control tower and have the person paged. There is a bulletin board nearby where messages can be left as well. If you have any reason to believe you might be paged, check the bulletin board from time to time.
Airline Employee Messages
Every year there is a set of roofed-over bulletin boards in an airline employees center near the antique/classic registration building on the flight line. Leaving messages there is a good way to communicate with folks who work for airlines.
Aviation Organization Tents
If you are a member of any of the various aviation organizations from AOPA through the Cessna Pilots Association, 99s and QBs, your organization probably has a tent where you can get out of the sun or rain, sit down and get a cool drink. It's worth a visit. It may be worth joining an organization just for access. The convention guide you get when you check in will tell you where the tent is located.
AirVenture -- Basic Etiquette And Courtesy
Hey, we are all in this together, among friends of aviation. Besides, AirVenture is Mecca for us; let's treat it and each other appropriately.
It simply is not done at OSH. Wisconsin is known for being aggressively neat. Littering is, I think, a capital crime. Bastinado is too good for those jerks who throw things on the ground at AirVenture; keelhauling the violator at the seaplane base is probably the way to go. If you see a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up and put it in one of the nearby trash containers. Walking past litter is considered a breach of etiquette nearly as serious as dropping the stuff in the first place. After all, the trash you do not pick up may be the trash that fouls something important on your airplane.
Look But Don't Touch
Please do not touch any airplane unless you have the express permission of the owner. Every year some of the airplanes are damaged by folks who just cannot keep their sweaty little hands off. This is especially important if you have kids, or are apt to behave as one ... tell them ahead of time they are to look but not touch, and remind them frequently, until they are saying it back to you and actually following the admonition.
Do not smoke around airplanes. Sure, that seems obvious, but the addicts still have to be reminded. The flight line is non-smoking; however, in a bow to the truly addicted, EAA has established some designated smoking areas.
Handicapped Services
EAA has been one of the leaders in providing access and assistance to the handicapped and those with physical disabilities of all sorts. Call 920/426-4800 for information and assistance.
Leaving A Tiedown
Never, ever, ever start your airplane at its tiedown. There are airplanes parked and folks camped behind you. For crying out loud, don't blow dirt, rocks, grass, small children and other trash through their campsites. They've washed and waxed their airplanes -- they do not need rock chips from your stupidity. Pull your airplane forward into the taxiway alley, turn it 90 degrees, then get in and start it. If you are by yourself, there will always be two or 10 folks around who will help you pull your airplane forward if you only ask. If you start up and taxi out of your tiedown spot do not be at all surprised to be called up a day or two later and asked to pay for a tent you destroyed or a touch-up paint job on the Bonanza parked behind you. By the same token, offer to help someone pull his airplane if he looks as if he is about to start up in his tiedown spot.If you are parked in the Antique/Classic/Contemporary parking areas, you must have a wing-walker before you start your engine.
The airport shuts down to flight operations shortly after dark. Have some consideration for your fellow campers and keep your personal noise level down as well. The ugliest confrontations at OSH have been over late, loud parties.
Portable Power
Gasoline-powered electrical generators are great technological achievement, but ... in the airplane camping area these should be shut down by 10:00 p.m. Yes, I know the ad says they are so quiet you won't even hear it. The ads are wrong. Everyone nearby will hear it and you will not be very popular for very long. It is still not considered acceptable for someone to put a small potato in the exhaust pipe of one running later than that. Despite provocation it is also not acceptable to do the potato bit in the RV parking areas.
Airplane Camping Buses
Thankfully, a number of school buses run almost continually to shuttle folks around the airplane camping area. The drivers are usually very friendly. (Hey, this is Wisconsin, what'd you expect?) There is a box for a small contribution as you get in. Be a little less of a tightwad than usual and put the quarter or so requested in the box, smile at the driver and enjoy the ride.
Lawn Chairs And The Afternoon Air Show
Please do not sit on the front edge of the flight line and block the view of the "groundlings." Have a heart and sit back about 20 feet. While it is probably too much work, it would be nice if EAA would put a second "lawn chair line" about 20 feet behind the spectator line. You can see just fine and it gives those who sit on the ground the ability to see as well. Do not bring your lawn chair and leave it hoping to stake out a spot on the air show line. Because of the risk it will blow into an airplane potentially more valuable than you, the EAA volunteers will pick it up and store it until time to melt it down for Wisconsin beer cans. Many feel this is the highest calling for a lawn chair.
The Air Shows
A major portion of the air show is watching the general aviation arrivals. Otherwise, there is nearly constant activity in the fly-past circuit along Runway 18/36. You will see all manner of homebuilts, classics and antiques working that circuit during the day. No, you cannot simply take your airplane up and fly by; there is an involved briefing by EAA officials so that the number of airplanes in the pattern is limited and safe operations are stressed. Often, someone on the PA system will talk about the airplane in which you are interested and give some details, or tell you how to get more information.Each afternoon EAA puts on a major air show. The EAA AirVenture Web site includes a schedule. It is preceded by additional, usually warbird, fly-by activity. The air show runs several hours, during which the airport is closed. The length of the show does vary and is published in a number of locations. The second-best seats are at the edge of the flight line and tend to start to fill up about an hour before the show starts. Not to worry. You can still get a piece of earth on which to sit and see everything at the last minute.Make sure you have something to cover the back of your neck. You will be facing east and the afternoon sun will turn the staunchest liberal into a redneck. Bring sunscreen. While there is not supposed to be food and drink on the flight line, I strongly recommend you bring some plastic containers of water, but keep them firmly in hand so they do not become litter or a projectile. The air show is long enough that there is a danger of dehydration on warm days.
The air show performers are usually nothing short of incredible. They are not paid at AirVenture. Give them lots of applause when they are driven down the flight line; they are the best of the best in this country.Air show announcing is awful. It is a tradition that provides much entertainment for those who know anything about airplanes. The performers usually bring the announcers that have been giving their patter to the rubes on the county fair circuit all summer. The result is laughable at AirVenture. Every year those on the flight line get to hear announcers miscount the number of stops in a 12- or 16-point hesitation roll, call a snap roll a Lomcevak, do some half-wit routine of making a telephone call to the airplane in flight or endlessly repeat "... as he pulls the stick back, trading airspeed for altitude ..." until you wonder whether the lobotomies can be reversed.A request was made of EAA some years ago for an "announcer-free" zone on the flight line. It was denied.On an average of once in four or five years there is an air show act which causes even the most jaded onlookers to gasp in amazement. In the early '70s it was a young kid, Gene Soucy, doing knife-edge to knife-edge snaps the length of the runway at about ten feet of altitude in his S1 Pitts; in the '80s it was the Italian Air Force team doing things in jets no one thought possible. It didn't happen in the '90s. If you are very lucky, you will be there for one of those years -- we're (over)due for another one.Unfortunately, every few years EAA brings in some act which bombs abysmally at an otherwise stellar air show. For a while it was the clown or drunk or old woman who winds up flying a Cub by "mistake." Recently it has been a truck with old, straight-pipe jet engines on the back with one-stage afterburners, which proves anything will go fast if enough fuel is shoved through it. As part of its routine it "races" a slow airplane. Ten-year-old boys seem to like it. While noisy, it does provide a good time for aviation enthusiasts to take a Port-A-John break.Those who go to AirVenture year after year know the best seats in the house for the air show are not on the flight line. They do one of two things during the air show: Either they hit the vendors and Fly Market while the crowds are thin, or, get together with friends at a convenient campsite and sit back with a cold beverage and, perhaps, a hand-held aircraft radio, and enjoy the show. Some tune in the local Oshkosh radio station which broadcasts the air show, just so they can hear a particularly annoying announcer, then take great pleasure in turning him off.
The heroes of AirVenture are not the air show pilots or EAA brass. They are the women and men who stand in the heat and rain and help out in some manner. They walk wings, they give out information, they drive water wagons, they help, and help, and help some more. There are never enough volunteers. Ever.If there is any way you can somehow volunteer for a day or two while you are at AirVenture, EAA will welcome you and other convention-goers will thank you. There are a couple of pretty well-marked volunteer areas you can visit should the notion strike while at AirVenture. Or, you can check out the Volunteer page on the AirVenture Web site and sign up online or call the phone number listed on the page. Either way, the nice folks will set you up in an area that interests you.Once you have volunteered, you will discover two things: You got more out of the convention than those who did not help out and you are qualified to be the picture in the dictionary for the definition of "pooped."
Leaving OSH
Do some planning before you start up. IFR departures can be a pain in the whatsis. If weather allows, it is a great deal easier to go out VFR. The NOTAM has the IFR departure procedure. (The NOTAM is a 2.3 MB Adobe PDF.)Do some planning before you start up. The FAA has provided two excellent walk-in briefing sites with some of the most helpful, friendly FSS-types around. It's one of the easiest ways to make sure you have up-to-date information before blasting off.IFR departures can be a pain in the whatsis. It is the one recurring weak area at OSH. Getting your IFR clearance or release can involve VERY long delays, so be patient. If weather allows, it is a great deal easier to go out VFR. The NOTAM has the IFR departure procedure. There is a procedure that allows you to depart VFR and pick up an IFR clearance under certain circumstances. To help assure you are not directed to the wrong line, put a sign in your windshield stating whether you are VFR or IFR.Please, again, pull your airplane out of its parking spot and turn it 90 degrees before starting. Be considerate of others at all times.
Be patient; there may be dozens of folks trying to get out at the same time. Lines to the departure runway can be long, and it is often necessary to do the zipper bit as two lines of aircraft converge, so be polite. Everyone will get out. After all, we'd like to think we have a little more on the ball than the road-ragers on the freeways. Yelling at the folks with the wands can be counterproductive. Besides, you never know which ones are with the FAA and decide to violate you for stupidity or aggravated stupidity.Oftentimes, waiting to leave until about 45 minutes after the air show is done means you don't wait in line to get out.Be extra patient for IFR departures. This is the one area where the EAA and FAA just don't have it together -- IFR releases have been taking from one to three hours.
Everyone Is Watching
Plan on having either the left or right half of the runway for your takeoff, so be able to keep your airplane straight on the ground and tracking straight once off. There will be other airplanes near, some faster, some slower. So, do not make any sudden moves. A lot of people are watching the departure show; if you do something dumb, it will be seen and probably filmed.There are max. altitude restrictions as well as flight path restrictions on many of the departures because arrivals are coming in over the departure path. Take the time to review them, and have everyone in the airplane be as observant as possible. Remember the rules on overtaking slower airplanes. Make your turns gently, because as you overtake someone, someone else may be blowing past you.
Closing Thoughts
I promised I'd tell you how you tell the low-time pilots at OSH. They are the ones with all the patches and pins on their clothing or hat. It's a hoary axiom of aviation in general, and OSH in particular, that the flight time and experience level of the pilot is inversely proportional to the number of patches and pins decorating his/her apparel.Oshkosh has gotten so big, so commercial and so far away from the low-key airplane-watching air show it used to be that I keep telling myself I will not go back next year. (Unfortunately and perhaps for these reasons, people are staying away -- attendance has been dropping.) But, every year after it's over, I think about again getting together with a lot of friends from all over the country that I only get to see at OSH, seeing the many things I want to see, and watching airplanes I would not otherwise get to watch, and I make plans to return.I will probably plan to arrive IFR, because I know the variability of summer weather in the Great Lakes. I will not be found where announcers may be heard during the air show. I will bring lots of food and buy ice and other necessities on arrival. I will wear very good walking shoes.Finally, as a personal favor, please don't shut off your flying brain when you come to OSH. Don't go stupid and auger in on the way to (or from). The media types will cast more aspersions on general aviation because you were foolish and I will not remember you fondly.