Business Aviation On Offensive

Business aviation is on the offensive after spending much of the year on the ropes courtesy of the battered economy and some politically opportunistic comments by, well, politicians. During the opening general session of the National Business Aviation Association convention on Tuesday, NBAA President Ed Bolen and General Aviation Manufacturers Association President Pete Bunce gave an assessment of the battles fought in the past nine months and changing conditions that they hope will stem the damage and start healing the industry. Among the new tools that business aviation operators can tap is the Business Aircraft E-Valuation Toolkit, which is a system designed to prove the value of business aviation across the broad spectrum of companies that use it.

Business aviation is on the offensive after spending much of the year on the ropes courtesy of the battered economy and some politically opportunistic comments by, well, politicians. During the opening general session of the National Business Aviation Association convention on Tuesday, NBAA President Ed Bolen and General Aviation Manufacturers Association President Pete Bunce gave an assessment of the battles fought in the past nine months and changing conditions that they hope will stem the damage and start healing the industry. Among the new tools that business aviation operators can tap is the Business Aircraft E-Valuation Toolkit, which is a system designed to prove the value of business aviation across the broad spectrum of companies that use it.

As for the generally miserable year since the last NBAA convention, the two leaders contend they've gained some traction in public opinion and have been able to dampen the rhetoric from Washington that they say painted an inaccurate picture of business aviation. They showed some clips of media interviews done by themselves and by other industry leaders and sympathetic politicians trying to set the record straight. And they encouraged members to be available to local media to get the correct message out.