Continental Celebrates FADEC Milestones
Continental Motors is celebrating Sun ‘n Fun with the announcement that it’s sold 100 engines equipped with full authority digital engine control (FADEC). The 100th engine will go in a Liberty XL-2. The 100 engines have accumulated 13,000 hours so far. “Delivering the 100th engine and surpassing the 13,000-hour in-service mark in the high-use flight training environment demonstrates that our engine is robust and reliable enough to handle any rigorous flight environment,” said Teledyne President Rhett Ross. Liberty is pleased with them, too.
Continental Motors is celebrating Sun 'n Fun with the announcement that it's sold 100 engines equipped with full authority digital engine control (FADEC). The 100th engine will go in a Liberty XL-2. The 100 engines have accumulated 13,000 hours so far. "Delivering the 100th engine and surpassing the 13,000-hour in-service mark in the high-use flight training environment demonstrates that our engine is robust and reliable enough to handle any rigorous flight environment," said Teledyne President Rhett Ross. Liberty is pleased with them, too.
Liberty CEO Keith Markley said the simplicity of FADEC, which offers single-lever engine control, is part of the overall marketing plan for his aircraft. "With Teledyne powering our aircraft, today we celebrate the 100th validation that we have the right product with the right price with the right technology," Markley said.