EAA AirVenture 1998 Daily Drawing Winners
AVweb announces the winners of its Oshkosh ’98 drawings.

DailyPrize Drawing
The AVweb sponsors have teamed up to donate a bunch of neat prizes for us togive away during OSH 98! Every day we will be drawing a lucky winner to receive oneof the prizes listed below. Just drop by the AVweb booth and fill out an entry form.It's that easy! Every day at 5:00pm we will be drawing the winner(s) from that day'sentries. So, be sure to drop by every day and fill out an entry and say hello to oneof the friendly AVweb staffers at the AVweb booth.
Thursday, July 30, 1998
LightSPEED 20K Headset, donated by LightSPEED, Inc. (Value: $439)
LightSPEED ANR headsets are designed "from the ears out" to be the mostcomfortable, best performing, most affordable ANR headsets ever built. A totally originaldesign combining advanced ergonomic research with new active noise cancellation technologyto create a whole new class of performance and comfort in aviation communications.
Daily Drawing Winner:Gregg Cornell, East Lansing, MI
Friday, July 31, 1998
AviatorPro 98 Software donated by FlightSafety International
Daily Drawing Winners:
Darren Price, Gunnison, CO
Jim Rader, Dearborn Heights, MI
Bill Koza, Albert Lea, MN
C. J. Boedeker, Trophy Club, TX
Books donated by Iowa State University Press
Daily Drawing Winners:
David Zanitowski, Eagle River, WI
Linda Bradley, Haysville, KS
Saturday, August 1, 1998
LightSPEED 15K Headset, donated by LightSPEED, Inc. (Value: $295)
LightSPEED ANR headsets are designed "from the ears out" tobe the most comfortable, best performing, most affordable ANR headsets ever built. Atotally original design combining advanced ergonomic research with new active noisecancellation technology to create a whole new class of performance and comfort in aviationcommunications.
Daily Drawing Winner:
Chris Havens, Bowie, MD
AviatorPro 98 Software donated by FlightSafety International
Daily Drawing Winners:
Mark Flynn, Verona, PA
Bill Webb, Birmingham, MI
Angela Shimer, Frederick, MD