EAA AirVenture 2006: “Live” Podcast for Saturday, July 29
Live from AirVenture, AVweb talks with the man who built a very capable airplane in 18 days. Marc Cook, editor of Kitplanes magazine, the first man to go through Glasair Aviation’s Two Weeks to Taxi builder’s program shares his experience. Then, preflight ADAM Aircraft’s A500 with AVweb’s Russ Niles. Hear how Jim Kaler has taken a career-ending injury and turned it into an inspiration (and charity) that takes paraplegics each step of the way toward becoming a licensed pilot, free. Finally, hear from Steve Sorge what it takes to be selected as the subject of an air-to-air photo shoot at AirVenture.
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Just click here to view the Complete Issue of AVwebFlash for Friday, July 28, 2006.
We apologize for the delay.

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