FAA Simplifies, Shrinks ADIZ
The FAA will reduce the size and simplify the geography of the Washington Air Defense Identification Zone, cutting 1,800 square miles from the zone and removing 33 airports. The new zone gets rid of the so-called “Mickey Mouse ears” that described the complex shape of the old ADIZ and creates an almost perfect circle with a 30-nm radius, centered on Washington. FAA Administrator Marion Blakey made the announcement at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh today. The new ADIZ takes effect on Aug. 30. Blakey said the new ADIZ was shaped based on consultation with aviation groups and the 20,000 comments received from the public when the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was issued two years ago. “Score one for GA,” she told a happy crowd that loudly applauded the decision.
The FAA will reduce the size and simplify the geography of the Washington Air Defense Identification Zone, cutting 1,800 square miles from the zone and removing 33 airports. The new zone gets rid of the so-called "Mickey Mouse ears" that described the complex shape of the old ADIZ and creates an almost perfect circle with a 30-nm radius, centered on Washington. FAA Administrator Marion Blakey made the announcement at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh today. The new ADIZ takes effect on Aug. 30. Blakey said the new ADIZ was shaped based on consultation with aviation groups and the 20,000 comments received from the public when the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was issued two years ago. "Score one for GA," she told a happy crowd that loudly applauded the decision.
Blakey acknowledged the existing ADIZ was put together in haste in the post-9/11 era and its complicated geography resulted in a lot of unnecessary violations. To help prevent unintentional violations of the airspace, Blakey announced four air traffic control positions will be created at Potomac terminal radar control center that will be dedicated to handling ADIZ traffic. She said the extra attention and the simplified geography will enhance security by allowing staff to concentrate on those who appear to be intentionally violating the space. The airspace has a triangular transition area in the northwest section for Leesburg Airport, but special procedures must be used for ingress and egress to the field.