FAST: One-Stop Record Keeping

After six months of beta testing with real-world users, Andres Darvasi has rolled out FAST, an anywhere-accessible online tool that aims to provide one-stop shopping for aircraft record-keeping, maintenance and pilot-specific concerns. The level of detail available means that pilots can track individual components from the standpoint of cost and acquisition source, through any weight and balance effects, to associated regulatory or maintenance deadlines, requirements or squawks, and more. Pilots access the tool through Darvasi is making the subscription-based service available with a 60-day free trial period.

After six months of beta testing with real-world users, Andres Darvasi has rolled out FAST, an anywhere-accessible online tool that aims to provide one-stop shopping for aircraft record-keeping, maintenance and pilot-specific concerns. The level of detail available means that pilots can track individual components from the standpoint of cost and acquisition source, through any weight and balance effects, to associated regulatory or maintenance deadlines, requirements or squawks, and more. Pilots access the tool through Darvasi is making the subscription-based service available with a 60-day free trial period.

After the trial period, pilots who want to continue using the system will need to pay a sign-up fee of $100 followed by a $20 monthly subscription that they can end at any time. The system operates on a web-based paperless platform, but does offer users the ability to back up, print or download all their stored content at any time in Excel spreadsheet format.

AVweb's Glenn Pew spoke with Darvasi about FAST at Sun 'n Fun; click here to listen to that podcast.