Flight Design Launches Pilot Centers
With the world economy still in an uncertain state, many manufacturers and other vendors came to Sun ‘n Fun with low expectations, but some at least have been pleasantly surprised. “We sold this airplane within two hours of the start of the show,” said Tom Peghiny, president of Flight Design USA, as he stood in the shade beneath a CT’s wing. Altogether, by Saturday he had sold five or six airplanes, he said, “as good as any show ever.” Peghiny also said the company will be establishing a Flight Design Pilot Center program, to help provide support to flight schools that use the CT for primary training. “Flight schools have been showing a lot of interest in our airplanes,” Peghiny said, and he added that the latest designs are well suited for that role. “We have good training aircraft now,” he said. “Our latest models are easier to fly, they have springy gear, a longer fuselage, and a more substantial feel.” And they are available with glass panels and other options that make them suitable for flight training at all levels, through private pilot on up to ATP.
With the world economy still in an uncertain state, many manufacturers and other vendors came to Sun 'n Fun with low expectations, but some at least have been pleasantly surprised. "We sold this airplane within two hours of the start of the show," said Tom Peghiny, president of Flight Design USA, as he stood in the shade beneath a CT's wing. Altogether, by Saturday he had sold five or six airplanes, he said, "as good as any show ever." Peghiny also said the company will be establishing a Flight Design Pilot Center program, to help provide support to flight schools that use the CT for primary training. "Flight schools have been showing a lot of interest in our airplanes," Peghiny said, and he added that the latest designs are well suited for that role. "We have good training aircraft now," he said. "Our latest models are easier to fly, they have springy gear, a longer fuselage, and a more substantial feel." And they are available with glass panels and other options that make them suitable for flight training at all levels, through private pilot on up to ATP. The company is also developing a flight simulator program based on the CT, and Peghiny said the company will provide other support to flight schools, such as managing leads, and offering a special package with extra tires, keys, and checklists.
The company's new hybrid motor was not on display in Florida, but Pehigny said it will be at EAA Airventure at Oshkosh, and flight testing of the engine is to begin sometime this summer. The company also said they will deliver the first MC ("Metal Concept") S-LSA, which was introduced at Oshkosh 2008, within the next few months.