Glasair Spins Off Two Weeks to Taxi, Adds Vans RVs

The Two Weeks to Taxi program that was launched by Glasair a few years ago to help builders make progress on their kits has been spun off into a separate company. Mikael Via, who will be president of both companies, at EAA AirVenture said the two-week program will now be available for the Vans RV-10 and RV-7, in addition to the Glasair Sportsman 2+2. Builders can buy their Vans kit directly from Two Weeks to Taxi, spend two weeks at the assist center in Arlington, Wash., and take home a substantially completed aircraft. “It’s not ready to fly,” said Via, but the builder should be able to finish it up in a month or so. The program will evolve to focus on the parts of the project that builders need the most help with, he said, so the two weeks can be most productive. Easier tasks that the builder can handle alone will be left for later. The Sportsman two-week program has been popular, Via said, with 70 airplanes delivered so far and slots booked up into next year. The Vans program will be available early next year and reservations are being taken now.

The Two Weeks to Taxi program that was launched by Glasair a few years ago to help builders make progress on their kits has been spun off into a separate company. Mikael Via, who will be president of both companies, at EAA AirVenture said the two-week program will now be available for the Vans RV-10 and RV-7, in addition to the Glasair Sportsman 2+2. Builders can buy their Vans kit directly from Two Weeks to Taxi, spend two weeks at the assist center in Arlington, Wash., and take home a substantially completed aircraft. "It's not ready to fly," said Via, but the builder should be able to finish it up in a month or so. The program will evolve to focus on the parts of the project that builders need the most help with, he said, so the two weeks can be most productive. Easier tasks that the builder can handle alone will be left for later. The Sportsman two-week program has been popular, Via said, with 70 airplanes delivered so far and slots booked up into next year. The Vans program will be available early next year and reservations are being taken now.

Via added that the new company is in talks with other kit manufacturers and may offer other programs in the future. The basic RV-10 program will cost about $190,000, including the kit and the two weeks of support, and the RV-7 will cost about $140,000. Various options and avionics packages are available.