IMC Club Update At AirVenture

The IMC Club, a nonprofit project based in Norwood, Mass., to help instrument pilots maintain their efficiency, continues to grow and develop, co-founder Radek Wyrzykowski told AVweb at EAA AirVenture this week. “Our motto is essentially that currency is not enough,” said Wyrzykowski. “You might be legal, but that doesn’t mean you’re proficient.” The clubs bring instrument pilots together to share their experiences and learn from each other. Local chapters are found across the country, and each group can decide for itself how often it wants to meet and in what format, Wyrzykowski said. A side benefit of these groups is that they help to create friendships and grow more powerful local aviation communities.

The IMC Club, a nonprofit project based in Norwood, Mass., to help instrument pilots maintain their efficiency, continues to grow and develop, co-founder Radek Wyrzykowski told AVweb at EAA AirVenture this week. "Our motto is essentially that currency is not enough," said Wyrzykowski. "You might be legal, but that doesn't mean you're proficient." The clubs bring instrument pilots together to share their experiences and learn from each other. Local chapters are found across the country, and each group can decide for itself how often it wants to meet and in what format, Wyrzykowski said. A side benefit of these groups is that they help to create friendships and grow more powerful local aviation communities.

The club has recently updated its website to help new members enroll, but the main goal of the group is to bring pilots together in person, Wyrzykowski said. There are about 30 chapters across the U.S. and one in Botswana. The Club provides support to anyone who wants to start a new group. AVweb's Mary Grady spoke with Wyrzykowski at EAA AirVenture this week; click here for the podcast.