iPad Mounting Solutions
iPads may have conquered the cockpit, but handling and mounting them with ease remains a challenge. MyGoFlight has set out to tame the iPad in the cockpit, offering a variety of products — including kneeboard mounts, glare shield mounts and storage cases. Unlike other manufacturers with similar but universal mounting products, MyGoFlight offers mounts that are specific to aircraft type, particularly for mounting on a control yoke.
iPads may have conquered the cockpit, but handling and mounting them with ease remains a challenge. MyGoFlight has set out to tame the iPad in the cockpit, offering a variety of products -- including kneeboard mounts, glare shield mounts and storage cases. Unlike other manufacturers with similar but universal mounting products, MyGoFlight offers mounts that are specific to aircraft type, particularly for mounting on a control yoke.
The mounting hardware has obvious quality and perceived durability, while providing useful features that might solve some of the problems pilots face with both the full-size and mini iPad. The company also makes anti-glare screen covers, carry cases and flight bags geared toward tablet storage.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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