Live ATC Audio from Oshkosh ’99

AVweb lets you listen in on air-traffic control at the year’s biggest airshow.

AVweb at AirVenture

Live ATC Audio
from Oshkosh!


Aerial view of AirVenture at OshkoshWehope you enjoy our live ATC streaming audio feed straight from Oshkosh. What you'relistening to is the output of a air-band scanner which scans among the two Oshkosh towerfrequencies and the "Fisk Approach" frequency.

Because we can serve a limited number of simultaneous audiostreams, and because the demand to listen to these streams is so high, each user is limited to five minutes of listening time,after which the audio feed will be interrupted. If all streams are in use, you'll get anerror that case, please try again in a few minutes.

RealPlayer G2To listen to this and ourother streaming RealAudio feeds, you'll need a copy of  RealPlayer G2, which you candownload free from