Lycoming’s New LSA Engine
For light airframes, Lycoming’s 100-horsepower O-235 series has proven a durable choice and now the company is updating it for the emerging LSA market with the new IO-233. The O-235 serves as the basis for this new engine, but it has electronic ignition, a throttle-body injector unit and redesigned induction plumbing, according to Mike Kraft, Lycoming’s chief engineer. The powerplant was also placed on a diet and is 40 pounds lighter than the original O-235. For durability, it also sports the roller tappets Lycoming has been installing in most of its new engines. The rollers reduce cam wear and spalling. Related Content:Mark Kraft discusses the O-235 at length in an audio podcast interview
For light airframes, Lycoming's 100-horsepower O-235 series has proven a durable choice and now the company is updating it for the emerging LSA market with the new IO-233. The O-235 serves as the basis for this new engine, but it has electronic ignition, a throttle-body injector unit and redesigned induction plumbing, according to Mike Kraft, Lycoming's chief engineer. The powerplant was also placed on a diet and is 40 pounds lighter than the original O-235. For durability, it also sports the roller tappets Lycoming has been installing in most of its new engines. The rollers reduce cam wear and spalling.

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