NBAA 2007 Launches in Atlanta

The business aircraft market has never been hotter, but that doesn’t mean everything is perfect. As the National Business Aviation Convention rolls into the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on Tuesday, NBAA and its allies in general aviation remain embroiled in a political battle in Washington that could fundamentally change the way general aviation operates in the U.S. While there have been some encouraging signs about the future funding of the FAA, the battle over user fees is far from over, judging by the banners outside the convention center. And could a pending takeover in the piston single sector overshadow the turbine-oriented NBAA show, with Cessna rumored to be buying Columbia. Sign up for AVwebBiz for daily updates of the convention, and listen to our Monday podcast to hear NBAA President Ed Bolen discuss the issues surrounding NBAA 2007.

The business aircraft market has never been hotter, but that doesn't mean everything is perfect. As the National Business Aviation Convention rolls into the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on Tuesday, NBAA and its allies in general aviation remain embroiled in a political battle in Washington that could fundamentally change the way general aviation operates in the U.S. While there have been some encouraging signs about the future funding of the FAA, the battle over user fees is far from over, judging by the banners outside the convention center. And could a pending takeover in the piston single sector overshadow the turbine-oriented NBAA show, with Cessna rumored to be buying Columbia.

Sign up for AVwebBiz for daily updates of the convention, and listen to our Monday podcast to hear NBAA President Ed Bolen discuss the issues surrounding NBAA 2007.