Notam For AirVenture 2016 Released

Fly-in procedures for this years EAA AirVenture show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, are now available, along with additional resources. The FAAs Notice to Airmen for EAAs 64th annual convention, July 25-31, includes a list of changes from 2015 including radio frequencies and runway markings.

Fly-in procedures for this year's EAA AirVenture show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, are now available, along with additional resources. The FAA's Notice to Airmen for EAA's 64th annual convention, July 25-31, includes a list of changes from 2015 including radio frequencies and runway markings. Pilots planning to fly to Oshkosh are urged to study the Notam in advance and carry a printed or electronic copy in the cockpit. The document includes VFR and IFR arrival and departure procedures, guidelines for taxiing and parking, and instructions for certain kinds of aircraft, such as seaplanes, rotorcraft, ultralights, turbine aircraft and warbirds. The Notam takes effect at 6 a.m. local time July 22 until noon on Aug. 1.

Among the changes this year are separate frequencies for arrivals and departures, including ATIS. Runway 36R will have new markings, a red square and green square, while 36L will have the same four colored dots. Also, turboprops, turbojets and warbirds with cruise speeds of 130 knots or faster must advise ATC if they weigh more than 12,500 pounds. The Notam is available online and free printed copies are available. For pilots who want additional details, registration is now open for a June 8 webinar hosted by EAA NOTAM chairman Fred Stadler. For general safety guidance, the NTSB has a Safety Alert (PDF)for flying to major airshows.