Oshkosh 1999 Coverage: Day Four – Saturday, July 31
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Latest EAA AirVenture'99 News & Highlights
AVweb's exclusive daily coverage of DayFour of EAA's AirVenture '99, direct from Oshkosh, includes:
Inhofe Is All Wet: Oklahoma Senator Braves OSH Camping.
Climbing The Stairway To Heaven: Bohannon Goes Vertical To Break Record.
How Swift Is My Fury: Roy LoPresti Presses On.
Microsoft Offers Two Versions Of Flight Sim 2000: Pro And Standard Editions Feature Real-Weather Depiction, More Planes.
Boeing Beauty Began Airliner Dynasty.
No, Not THAT Tri-Motor.
USAF Updates T-3 Firefly Program: USAF's Initial Trainer Still Troublesome.
Ten Die In Skydiving Crash.
Cirrus Makes Like A Cloud ... And Floats Higher.
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Vacuum System.
Embry-Riddle Team Wins GA Design Competition.
Spirit Of Flight Award Recipient Named.
AirVenture '99 Articlesand Features
OSHtalk, Day Four
Thunderstorms slashed through EAA's AirVenture 99 grounds late Thursday nightand Friday morning, tipping over the plastic restrooms and destroying tents.Unfortunately, one of the victims was OSHtalk host Tom Gresham. Co-host RickDurden moderates the show tonight, and learns about the controversy that hasdeveloped in the wake of the in-flight breakup of a T-34 at an air combatschool. George Braly, owner of a Bonanza and a T-34, has been following thedevelopments in the investigation and the shocking state of affairs in whichlong time airshow pilot Julie Clarks T-34 wing spars were cut through withouther permission in the course of the investigation. George Braly and AVwebcolumnist John Deakin, who is also a Bonanza owner, give us the up-to-the minutereport on the highly controversial situation. Then AVweb's aviationmedicine advisor, Brent Blue M.D., joins OSHtalk again for the second half ofthe program. In light of the 102-degree heat of yesterday, Dr. Blue discussesthe effects of dehydration, hypoxia and carbon monoxide on pilots, and alsooutlines how pilots can protect themselves against their potentially deadlyeffects.
Life Beyond The Flight Line: CampingKeeps AirVenturers Close To The Action
They come from near, they come from far, many come by air, even moreby car, bus, camper, motorhome, motorcycle and any other form of conveyance thatwill get these diverse travelers to their common destination: Oshkosh. If youlove the smell of avgas in the morning, if you covet the sound of airplaneengines as your wake-up call or the sight of wings rocking in the morning breezeonly feet from your accommodations, you might find this piece by AVweb'sDave Higdon about the camping at Oshkosh the perfect enhancement to yourAirVenture experience.
The Light Twin Is Dead,Long Live The Light Twin
While numerous start-up companies are working on clean-sheetlight twinjet designs based on the low-cost Williams engines, Aerostar AircraftCorporation thinks it has a better idea: Mount a couple of Williams FJ-33-1s onits existing certificated Aerostar, formerly a light piston twin. The result,they say, will be a 400-knot, six-place speedster costing under $2 million thatwill start customer deliveries in early 2002. If you're interested, the companyis taking deposits. By AVweb's Publisher Carl Marbach.
Happy 25th: InternationalTent Says 'Welcome' In Many Tongues
Most visitors to EAA AirVenture travel a relatively short distance to be hereand have numerous things in common, like a language. But since AirVenture is thepremier event of type in the world, a growing number of attendees hail frompoints from removed from North America. AVweb's Dave Higdon spent sometime this week with a few of the more than 1,000 international visitors to EAAAirVenture '99.
I Came Here To Build An Airplane
The 'E' in EAA stands for "experimental." Remembering this and despite all the "store-bought" airplanes and accessories on display at EAA AirVenture '99, one of the lesser-known but very popular offerings at the event is the opportunity for aspiring homebuilders to gain valuable "hands-on" experience in a series of workshops offered during the week. AVweb's Matt Paxton and Joe Godfrey talked with a few of this year's participants -- here's the story of some fledgling homebuilders.
Going To Extremes
If all this gazing at airplanes gives you the urge to travel,airplanes at EAA AirVenture can show you the way to the ends of the earth: Arestored DC-3 carries well-heeled tourists to the South Pole, while Frenchaviator Hubert de Chevigny plans to fly his "aerial SUV" to the NorthPole the hard way: Navigating only by the sun. AVweb News Editor MaryGrady explores both up and down.
AirVenture '99 PhotoGallery - Day Four
Our Photo Gallery is the next best thing tobeing here yourself. Dozens of photos daily of what's happening at OSH.
Don't forget to visit again tomorrow for more AirVenture '99 coverage! |