Oshkosh 1999 Image Gallery: Day Three – Friday, July 30

Photos from our third day at Oshkosh ’99.

Friday, July 30th, 1999

AVweb's coverage of EAA AirVenture '99 also includes exclusive images of the aftermath of Thursday's runway collision of two warbirds.

Yesterday's Gallery

Today's Airshow

Taps in honor of Conrad, Engen, & JFK Jr. Where's Waldo? Howard's Stern
The nut never falls far from the tree. The Incredible Flying Flea! You mean there's an EASY way?
Bet you get good reception with it, eh? Plastic Explosive. Let us all bow for grace...
Where the Long-EZE's graze. Nice wood. Pucker up!
Old GlorY Fat Betty. The business end.
Wayne, Julie & Jimmy. Put a tank in your tiger. TTFN: Ta Ta For Now.

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