Podcast: Mahindra Sees Expanding GA in India
As the world’s largest democracy and free market, India may become a fertile place to expand general aviation. And according to S. P. Shukla, head of Mahindra’s aerospace division, it’s already happening. In this AVweb podcast, Shukla said Mahindra’s acquisition of Airvan will allow the company to expand GA both to the personally owned aircraft market and to transportation between large cities and smaller towns.

As the world's largest democracy and free market, India may become a fertile place to expand general aviation. And according to S. P. Shukla, head of Mahindra's aerospace division, it's already happening. In this AVweb podcast, Shukla said Mahindra's acquisition of Airvan will allow the company to expand GA both to the personally owned aircraft market and to transportation between large cities and smaller towns.
Duration: 9:58
File Size: 8.4 MB download here

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