Podcast: Rusty Pilots At Sun N Fun

AOPA will be holding a Rusty Pilots seminar at Sun n Fun this year for pilots who have been out of the air for a while and are looking to get flying again. In this podcast, AOPAs Jamie Beckett told AVweb about some updates to the program and how pilots of all levels of currency can benefit from the experience. The seminar will be held at the AOPA SnF campus on Wednesday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m.

AOPA will be holding a Rusty Pilots seminar at Sun 'n Fun this year for pilots who have been out of the air for a while and are looking to get flying again. In this podcast, AOPA's Jamie Beckett told AVweb about some updates to the program and how pilots of all levels of currency can benefit from the experience. The seminar will be held at the AOPA SnF campus on Wednesday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m.

Duration: 8:35

File Size: 7.87 MB download here