The Air Academy Lodge Rededicated
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Watching the faces of 39 new aviators provided theassembled crowd of seasoned veteran flyers with new hope for ourindustry's future. As the youngsters and dignitaries assembledthe noon day air was filled with pride. The pride was in boththe accomplishments of the students and of those that have givenof their time and finances to build the EAA Foundation Air AcademyLodge. The 10,600 square foot Lodge will house students, yearround. The building is constructed of British Columbia sprucelogs and field stones with 53 beds, quarters for house parents,a commercial kitchen, and a great room that can double as a messhall providing meals for more than 50 people at a time. the twostory great room also features a lounge area with a field stonefireplace. Overlooking the Pioneer Airport this is a very impressivebuilding.
No matter how impressive the building itself thereal story is in the dedication of those who worked to see thisdream come true. The dream was that of EAA member James Ray whowanted to insure youngsters would have an opportunity to followtheir dream of flight. Mr. Ray shared his dream with the EAAstaff and the wheels of the organization were turning. The entire$2 million cost was donated by Mr. Ray, the Ray Foundation, theClay Lacy Professional Pilot Endowement, 25 corporate sponsors,and private individuals. Mr. Ray was presented with a pictureof the Lodge signed by the graduating students and staff by Chuckand Diane Larsen.
Foundation director, Chuck Larsen remarked that "thisfacility will grow the leadership of tomorrow. This program setsa tone and level of behavior we can be proud of." StudentDiane Hoover of Winchester, Virginia who wants to join the AirForce and then become an airline pilot spoke for the student body. She commented that she had gained not only a knowledge of welding,composites, woodworking, academic and actual flying but had acquiredfriendships that will last a lifetime.
Tom Pob EAA president, said that the Foundation tooka leadership role in setting up this program 15 year s ago. TheLodge with the year round program shows an investment in the future. However, results will not be overnight. Ultimately the AirAcademy program will be available worldwide.
Among the corporate sponsors were Sporty's Marketand Associated Aviation Underwriters. "This is a dream cometrue for all of us, but especially for Jim Ray", stated HalSheivers of Sporty's. Clay Lacy said, "I am proud to bea part of this project. I have been flying all my life. It'sa pleasure to help young people become a part of flying as a career. This project has taken EAA to a new level. Thank goodness forthe Poberezies".
The Air Academy was established 15 years ago withan unsolited endowment of $1 million from Dick and Joanne Hansen. Jim Ray matched this gift with a $1 million donation to establishthe Cliff Robertson scholarship so youngsters would have the opportunityto experience airplane building and flying.
Speaking to the audience, Cliff Robertson read thefollowing composition he wrote for this rededication:
This special place—
This place—this eagles restfor eagles young—
will strengthen some to soar on high
to fly above
life's clouds that lie ahead.
This place—
this place to learn at day and night
the rules that govern flight
and forever be a rest for eaglesyoung
where wings have just begun to spread—
to reach for skiesabove—
to soar—
to fly—
to love—
to grace this eagles nest—
this specialplace.