The Weekender: Air Shows and Warbird Rides
If you’re looking for a ride in something out of the ordinary, say, a Lockheed C-60 or B-17, SocialFlight has a few offerings this weekend. Wings Over Flagler Rockin’ the Runways will take place Friday through Sunday in Palm Coast, Florida, hosting EAA’s B-17 Aluminum Overcast, the Ford Tri-Motor Tin Goose and a variety of historic aircraft on display, plus concerts, cars and fireworks.

If you're looking for a ride in something out of the ordinary, say, a Lockheed C-60 or B-17, SocialFlight has a few offerings this weekend. Wings Over Flagler Rockin' the Runways will take place Friday through Sunday in Palm Coast, Florida, hosting EAA's B-17 Aluminum Overcast, the Ford Tri-Motor Tin Goose and a variety of historic aircraft on display, plus concerts, cars and fireworks. In Alabama, the 2015 Tuscaloosa Regional Air Show will be held Saturday and Sunday, featuring the U.S. Navy Blue Angels, aU.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey Demonstration and theDAV Flight Team B-25 Mitchell Bomber.
The Lockheed C-60A known as Goodtime Gal will offer 30-minute flight tours at Galaxy FBO in Conroe, Texas, on Sunday.This military bird, configured as a paratroop transporter, was acquired by and assigned to the Houston Wing of the Commemorative Air Force. In Gilmer, Texas, the Flight of the Phoenix Aviation Museum will welcome visitors Saturday during EAA Chapter 972's Young Eagles event. Enjoy gumbo for lunch and a day of flying. For more on upcoming events in the next week, visit SocialFlight.