The Weekender: Antique Airplanes, Autos And Anniversaries

The Weekender’s SocialFlight calendar turned up some busy events with lots in store for vintage enthusiasts. Join fellow pilots for a grassroots fly-in Saturday in Massey, Maryland, where you can tour the Massey Air Museum and share your best chili recipe and/or hors d’oeuvre item.

The Weekender's SocialFlight calendar turned up some busy events with lots in store for vintage enthusiasts, all taking place on Saturday.

Join fellow pilots for a grassroots fly-in to Massey, Maryland, where you can tour the Massey Air Museum and share your best chili recipe and/or hors d'oeuvre item. Good weather brings over 100 aircraft, especially taildraggers, biplanes and antiques landing on the ample, firm grass runway.

Smith Mountain Lake in Moneta, Virginia, will celebrate its 50th anniversary with an antique car show, antique airplane static display, RC demos and plenty of other activities.

The Arkansas Wing of Angel Flight South Central will host a fly-in at Searcy Municipal Airport in the Bulldog Helicopters Hangar. Presentations willinclude non-towered airport operations, ATC operations, ADS-B avionics, maintenance and Angel Flight operations.Register for this event online so the host can provide a free barbecue lunch.

Brewton Municipal Airport in Alabama will host its sixth annual fly-in, with plenty of activities for all including airplane rides, military aircraft displays, hot air balloons, ultralights and rotorcraft, plus live music and food vendors.