The Weekender: Ever Wonder …
The Weekender’s SocialFlight calendar includes a variety of choices for pilots pondering a seaplane rating, wondering what NextGen means for them or curious about aerial landmarks over San Francisco. For everything you always wanted to know about getting a seaplane rating, there’s a seminar taking place Saturday hosted by Modern Avionics at Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

The Weekender's SocialFlightcalendar includes a variety of choices for pilots pondering a seaplane rating, wondering what NextGen means for them or curious about aerial landmarks over San Francisco. For everything you always wanted to know about getting a seaplane rating, there's a seminar taking place Saturday hosted byModern Avionics atFlying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Learn why pilots seek the rating, where they go, and what's required as well as the ins and outs of seaplane flying. If you want the rundown on NextGen and advances in performance-based technology, Pelican Aviation will host a seminar Saturday at Klamath Falls Airport in Oregon. RSVP for a noon pizza lunch.
Aviation history buffs in the Bay Area will enjoy Saturday's seminar at San Carlos Flight Center on "Reporting Points," the history behind some of the fixes around San Francisco, like VPMID and JIKPE. Did you know you fly over a missile silo coming in from the east? Or that the water sitting in Crystal Springs just got done taking a 167-mile trip from Yosemite to get there? Enjoy a cool look into the past at where and what these reporting points are and how they got there.For more on next week's upcoming events, visit SocialFlight.