The Weekender: Type Clubs to Historic Presentations
AVweb’s weekly review of upcoming aviation events on SocialFlight uncovered a Fly-Out, the Cessna 150/152 “Cornfab,” a fly-in lunch that includes a presentation on F-105 operations in Vietnam, a Fly-In and airshow at historic the historic Wendover, Utah Airport and a modest Fly-In in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

AVweb's weekly review of upcoming aviation events on SocialFlightuncovered a fly-out, the Cessna 150/152 "Cornfab," a fly-In lunch that includes a presentation on F-105 operations in Vietnam, a fly-in and airshow at historic the historic Wendover, Utah Airport, and a modest Fly-In in Oshkosh, Wisc. The "Weekly Flyers" flying group, also known as Club Cherokee, is taking all available aircraft for a $100 hamburger run from Crystal Airport, Minneapolis, Minn., on Saturday, July 26. The event is open to anyone who enjoys flying in a group. They typically try to have the wheels off the runway at 10:00 a.m. The organizers say that if you need a ride or have an extra seat, let them know and help them make general aviation more accessible and support our future. On Saturday the 26th, there will be an AYA Fly-In at Tyler Pounds Regional Airport, Tyler, Texas from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Come in for lunch and listen to a presentation by Ken Kerkering at the Historic Aviation Museum on the airport on "The Role of the F-105 in the Airwar Over Vietnam." Kerkering flew 118 missions in the F-105 in Vietnam.
The 14th Annual Cessna 150-152 Fly-In begins on Wednesday, July 30 and runs through Friday, Aug. 1. For three days the Clinton, Iowa, Airport will be home to the largest collection of Cessna 150s and 152s in one place since Cessna was churning them out the door, first in Wichita and then in Winfield, Kan. The organizers of the annual "Confab in the Corn" promise seminars, spin training, a Nerf Drop and spot landing contests, poker run, performance rally and aerial scavenger hunt. There is camping under the wing and free transportation into hotels in town. Anyone interested in Cessna 150/152s is welcome. Historic Wendover Airfield, Utah, is the site of a Fly-In and Airshow on Friday and Saturday, the 25th and 26th. Airplane rides in a number of vintage aircraft including a Boeing Stearman and North American AT-6 will be available Friday with an airshow, including static aircraft exhibits and a car show on Saturday. Finally, it also appears there will be a Fly-In at Wittman Field, Oshkosh, Wisc., starting on July 28 and running through Aug. 3. For a week, Oshkosh is the busiest airport in the world. We at AVweb recommend in the strongest possible terms that any pilot intending to fly in read and keep a copy of the NOTAM (PDF) handy and follow the procedures exactly. Thank you again to SocialFlight for keeping us up to date on aviation events.