Update: TBM 930 Now On Display At Sun ‘n Fun
Daher officials unveiled their new TBM 930 at Sun ‘n Fun this morning, giving visitors a chance to check out the new cockpit and the latest cabin features. The turboprop is not replacing the 900, but provides another option for buyers, adding the Garmin G3000 touchscreen avionics suite. Nicholas Chabbert, CEO of Socata North America, also highlighted the “e-copilot” features now available on both TBM models, which provide aural alerts to replace sound tones to signal the pilot, including “stall, use oxygen mask, overspeed, landing gear.”

Daher officials unveiled their new TBM 930 at Sun 'n Fun this morning, giving visitors a chance to check out the new cockpit and the latest cabin features. The turboprop is not replacing the 900, but provides another option for buyers, adding the Garmin G3000 touchscreen avionics suite. Nicholas Chabbert, CEO of Socata North America, also highlighted the "e-copilot" features now available on both TBM models, which provide aural alerts to replace sound tones to signal the pilot, including "stall, use oxygen mask, overspeed, landing gear." Both airplanes also will come with angle-of-attack indicators, emergency descent mode, and under-speed protection. "We are starting to enter a world where automation is going to provide true safety, and save lives," said Chabbert. The company first announced the new model earlier in the week. Chabbert said they have about 35 orders already in hand.