Want A Free Satellite Beacon? Spot Has One
If you’re an EAA member, Spot International has a deal for you. At EAA AirVenture this week, the company is giving away free satellite messenger units, a $169.99 value. So what’s the catch? They’ll ask you to sign up for at least one year of locating service, which costs $99 for basic service and an additional $49 for tracking. A Spot works by plotting its position via GPS, then reporting or messaging that data through a separate low-altitude satellite system that then forwards the data to a web-based network that can be accessed by others. Related Content:Podcast interview with Spot’s Derek Moore
If you're an EAA member, Spot International has a deal for you. At EAA AirVenture this week, the company is giving away free satellite messenger units, a $169.99 value. So what's the catch? They'll ask you to sign up for at least one year of locating service, which costs $99 for basic service and an additional $49 for tracking. A Spot works by plotting its position via GPS, then reporting or messaging that data through a separate low-altitude satellite system that then forwards the data to a web-based network that can be accessed by others.
Basic service allows you to use the Spot's "come find me" 911 feature while the tracking feature allows you to send routine position updates to e-mail recipients with positions plotted on Google maps. For a full explanation of Spot, listen to our podcast with Derek Moore. Find Spot at Oshkosh in booths 325 and 326 located east of Aeroshell Square. Spot's web site is FindMeSpot.com.
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Podcast interview with Spot's Derek Moore