Where’s Sean Tucker? He’s On His Way

The afternoon airshows at AirVenture Oshkosh are one of the event’s annual highlights, with the world’s greatest aerial performers — but Sean Tucker, whose red Oracle biplane is an annual highlight of that show, has so far been missing. “I will be there on Thursday,” he told AVweb on the phone from Milwaukee, where he has been busy for a few days working on his airplane. “I had a new engine FedExed out from California, and the FedEx airplane broke down,” he said. But as of Wednesday, the engine had arrived and it was installed, and Tucker was test flying it. Meanwhile, the Monday afternoon airshow was canceled due to rain, but on Tuesday, huge crowds filled the Oshkosh grounds to see fly-bys by WhiteKnightTwo and the Airbus A380, which were followed by acts as varied as the Red Bull helicopter, Matt Younkin’s Twin Beech, and Bill Stein’s aerobatic Edge.

The afternoon airshows at AirVenture Oshkosh are one of the event's annual highlights, with the world's greatest aerial performers -- but Sean Tucker, whose red Oracle biplane is an annual highlight of that show, has so far been missing. "I will be there on Thursday," he told AVweb on the phone from Milwaukee, where he has been busy for a few days working on his airplane. "I had a new engine FedExed out from California, and the FedEx airplane broke down," he said. But as of Wednesday, the engine had arrived and it was installed, and Tucker was test flying it. Meanwhile, the Monday afternoon airshow was canceled due to rain, but on Tuesday, huge crowds filled the Oshkosh grounds to see fly-bys by WhiteKnightTwo and the Airbus A380, which were followed by acts as varied as the Red Bull helicopter, Matt Younkin's Twin Beech, and Bill Stein's aerobatic Edge.