AOPA Prize Plane A Remos LSA
The LSA sector may still be young and wet behind the ears compared to the industry stalwarts, but on Thursday at AOPA Aviation Summit, AOPA got on board with the LSA movement, choosing an LSA as their annual Sweepstakes airplane for the first time ever. The shiny new Remos GX LSA is a carbon-fiber airplane with a 100-hp Rotax engine and wings that fold back for trailering. For the next year, AOPA will fly it around to local events to promote their own membership drive and to celebrate light sport aviation. “We plan to get out and have fun with it,” said AOPA President Craig Fuller at the unveiling in the exhibit hall, complete with drum roll and a dramatic opening of the curtain. At next year’s Summit, in Long Beach, the winner of the airplane will be announced.
The LSA sector may still be young and wet behind the ears compared to the industry stalwarts, but on Thursday at AOPA Aviation Summit, AOPA got on board with the LSA movement, choosing an LSA as their annual Sweepstakes airplane for the first time ever. The shiny new Remos GX LSA is a carbon-fiber airplane with a 100-hp Rotax engine and wings that fold back for trailering. For the next year, AOPA will fly it around to local events to promote their own membership drive and to celebrate light sport aviation. "We plan to get out and have fun with it," said AOPA President Craig Fuller at the unveiling in the exhibit hall, complete with drum roll and a dramatic opening of the curtain. At next year's Summit, in Long Beach, the winner of the airplane will be announced
The choice of a brand new airplane is a departure for AOPA. For many years, the Sweepstakes airplane was a year-long refurbishment project of a used aircraft. The prize airplane will feature a Dynon multifunction display and autopilot, a panel-mount Garmin 496, and leather seats. Remos VP of marketing Ken Weaver said approval to add floats to the GX is in the works, and approval is expected in the spring. Both amphibious and straight float configurations will be available. The floats feature Kevlar hulls with aluminum and stainless steel fittings. AOPA's prize plane, however, won't come float-equipped.