LSA Sales Rebounding?

After a dismal last few months, sales of light sport aircraft are showing signs of rebounding according to one of the founding entrepreneurs of the LSA movement in the U.S. Tom Peghiny, who distributes CT light sport aircraft in the U.S. told AVweb in a podcast interview that some attrition is inevitable among LSA manufacturers but the concept is still valid and sales are improving. The market, however, is not exactly what was envisioned when the category was created. It was believed that the lower cost and easier medical, training and maintenance requirements would bring new people to aviation. Instead, he said, the market continues to be people abandoning complex GA aircraft to continue “fun flying” in the smaller aircraft. Drawing new pilots will require some innovation, he said.

After a dismal last few months, sales of light sport aircraft are showing signs of rebounding according to one of the founding entrepreneurs of the LSA movement in the U.S. Tom Peghiny, who distributes CT light sport aircraft in the U.S. told AVweb in a podcast interview that some attrition is inevitable among LSA manufacturers but the concept is still valid and sales are improving. The market, however, is not exactly what was envisioned when the category was created. It was believed that the lower cost and easier medical, training and maintenance requirements would bring new people to aviation. Instead, he said, the market continues to be people abandoning complex GA aircraft to continue "fun flying" in the smaller aircraft. Drawing new pilots will require some innovation, he said.

Peghiny said shared ownership of the aircraft, which typically cost more than $100,000, is one way to make them more affordable. He also said that the glut of used aircraft on the market is making it hard for existing pilots to commit to a new LSA until they can sell their current airplanes.