Leaky Faucets Prompt 787 Inspections

The FAA says water from leaky bathroom faucets in Boeing 787s has been found in the avionics bays below and has ordered repetitive inspections until a permanent fix is found….

The FAA says water from leaky bathroom faucets in Boeing 787s has been found in the avionics bays below and has ordered repetitive inspections until a permanent fix is found. The agency says one unidentified airline found "multiple" leaky faucets in its 787 fleet and in one case a wet carpet on the flight deck. Boeing notified airlines of the issue in November and said a faulty O-ring causes leaks of about 8 ounces an hour.

About 140 U.S. aircraft are affected, and Boeing says it's working on a fix. That will involve a redesign of the internal workings of the faucets. It's the latest in a series of faults with the aircraft, some of which resulted in a two-year production halt that was only lifted a few months ago.

Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.