On the Fly …
Strand-in organizers say their blog site has been hacked and replaced …Hawker Hurricane crash kills pilot at British air show …Diamond D-Jet serial number 002 flew Friday.
Organizers of a "strand-in" to be held at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Sept. 19 to protest incidents where airline passengers have been stuck on the ground inside aircraft for up to 10 hours say someone has hacked their information site, shutting it down. A temporary site has been set up ... .
The pilot of a rare Hawker Hurricane died at an air show in Sussex, England Saturday. The aircraft crashed while taking part in a mock dogfight to mark the anniversary of the Battle of Britain ... .
Diamond D-Jet serial number 002 had its first flight last Friday and everything went well according to Diamond. A third type conforming aircraft is under construction and certification flight tests will start soon.

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