On The Fly

Runway incursion at Fort Lauderdale investigated…AD proposed to fix Trimble, FreeFlight software glitch…DC-10 air tanker to return to service after tree clipping incident…Comic book hero inspired by Bristol Fighter biplane.

The FAA is investigating a runway incursion at Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) Airport in which a Delta Airlines airplane had to go around to avoid a United airliner that had taken a wrong turn onto the active runway. The FAA credited sharp-eyed controllers with avoiding the accident…

The FAA is proposing an airworthiness directive on Trimble or FreeFlight Systems 2101 I/O Approach Plus global positioning system (GPS) navigation systems. A software upgrade is needed to stop annunciation errors…

A DC-10 air tanker will return to service next week after wing repairs. The aircraft clipped trees after hitting a downdraft while working a fire in California on June 25…

In the funny books, a four-color Bristol Fighter biplane-inspired hero named Danger Aceis one of the leading contenders in Dimestore Productions' Small Press Idol contest. (Think American Idol for comic books.) The comic that sells the most copies this week will win a four-issue publishing deal.