On the Fly …
L-3 Avionics sued Cirrus for $18 million…AD deadline for Bonanzas and Barons extended…This year’s women’s Air Race Classic launches June 23…Evektor aims to get flight schools to use LSAs…AirVenture tickets online discounted through June 30.
L-3 Avionic Systems has sued Cirrus Design, seeking $18 million because Cirrus canceled its plan to buy avionics for its jet from L-3 and switched to Garmin instead...
Owners of certain Bonanzas and Barons affected by a circuit-breaker airworthiness directive with an Aug. 6 deadline now have an extension, but must follow strict procedures, as outlined by the American Bonanza Society on their Web site...
This year's women's Air Race Classic launches on June 23 from Denver...
New campaign from Evektor aims to get flight schools replacing their old trainers with new light sport aircraft...
Buy AirVenture tickets online for a discount, through June 30 at the EAA Web site.

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