On The Fly
Fireballs narrowly missed an A340 over the South Pacific…Cirrus to issue mandatory SB for parachute system…Tense moments as tornado heads toward OKC TRACON…Expanded warbird line-up activities planned for AirVenture.
The fireballs that a Chilean airline crew reported over the South Pacific likely didn't come from a Russian supply spacecraft re-entering the atmosphere as initially reported. Russian authorities reportedly said the space junk came down 12 hours after the incident, in which the crew said fireballs narrowly missed their A340...
Cirrus will issue a mandatory Service Bulletin requiring modifications to the parachute system. In a recent parachute deployment, the rocket fired in an abnormal trajectory and the company has come up with a fix, which will be paid for by Cirrus. All Cirrus aircraft are affected. In the meantime, Cirrus is telling owners to by all means pull the handle if they think they need to...
The National Air Traffic Controllers Association says the absence of a weather radio caused tense moments at Oklahoma City TRACON as a tornado rolled through the area. NATCA says the controllers had to rely on information relayed from staff in the break room watching televised coverage of the storm...
There will be an expanded line-up of warbird activities at EAA AirVenture this summer. Among the highlights are the only flying example of a Curtiss SB2C Helldiver and attendance by Gunther Rall, the third ranking air ace of all time.