On The Fly
Former Mooney CEO joins New Zealand’s Alpha Aviation…Dayton uses aviation in marketing plan…Big Bear Airport may buy adjacent park…Predator may be based in Puerto Rico…Columbus to host Air Force Heritage Week.
New Zealand planemaker Alpha Aviation has hired former Mooney CEO Gretchen Jahn as general manager to take resurrection of the French-designed Robin series to the next level. The Alpha 160, a low-wing trainer, is made in Hamilton, N.Z. and recently gained FAA certification...
Dayton, Ohio, is the heart of a new aviation tourism marketing program. Although the Wright brothers achieved their goal in North Carolina, Dayton lays claim to the title because it was where much of the development work was done…
The Big Bear, Calif., Airport Board is being urged to buy a park off the end of the runway so the local park board can buy property for another park. The park has been largely unused and unmaintained for more than 20 years following a plane crash there…
The Department of Homeland Security is considering basing a Predator unmanned aerial vehicle in Puerto Rico to keep an eye on the Caribbean. Other potential locations include San Diego and somewhere along the Gulf Coast…
The U.S. Air Force has chosen Columbus, Ohio, as the location of its Air Force Heritage Week celebration marking the 60th anniversary of the Air Force. The event will be held in conjunction with the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends Sept. 27-30.