On The Fly
Video of Pentagon 9/11 crash may be released…Piper offers jet incentives…WSI Hubcast offers timely terminal forecasts…737, 747 missed by 35 feet…Video footage of Red Bull Air Race winners is now online.
The U.S. government is expected to release a confiscated video on Dec. 21 that may contain images of the final moments of the crash of an airliner into the Pentagon on 9/11. The Web site Flight77.info claims its freedom of information request resulted in the decision to release the video…
Piper is providing financial incentives to those whod like to fly a prop-driven Piper while waiting for a PiperJet to be built for them. Anyone who buys a Meridian before Dec. 31, 2006, gets a $100,000 credit toward a $2.2 million jet if they order the jet sometime in 2007. A $50,000 credit will be offered with sales of other Piper models…
WSI has released a new weather forecast tool it says will provide accurate, hour-by-hour forecasts of terminal weather conditions at thousands of airports worldwide. Hubcast was developed in conjunction with the FAA to help ATC, operators and ground services anticipate and prepare for weather events…
A United Boeing 737 and an Atlas Boeing 747 cargo plane came within 35 feet of each other during a runway incursion incident at OHare Airport in July. Earlier reports suggested the distance between them was 300 feet but the NTSB says the airliner crew rotated early on its takeoff run to barely miss the cargo plane, which had been cleared to land on an intersecting runway...
Video footage of Peter Besenyei's win in Perth and Kirby Chambliss's overall win of the Red Bull Air Race World Series is now available on the Web.