On The Fly…

Airbus CEO Gustav Humbert resigned on Sunday…Forward Vision reduced its GA night-vision price to just under $10K…Michael Fanfalone, 57, PASS founder, died June 27 in Baltimore…Comp Air introduced its latest aircraft, the Comp Air 9… Malaysia is experiencing a boom in business aviation growth…A Bonanza hit a tractor-trailer in Colorado on Monday, two dead…American Airlines jet had to evade skydivers’ airplane on Sunday.

Airbus CEO Gustav Humbert resigned on Sunday. The shakeup results from A380 delays and a stock dive...

Forward Vision has reduced its price to just under $10K for GA users of its infrared night-vision system...

Michael Fanfalone, 57, one of the founders of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists union, died June 27 in Baltimore...

Comp Air last week introduced its latest aircraft, the Comp Air 9. The eight-place, fixed-gear, pressurized turboprop will fly at 240 knots, the company says...

Malaysia is experiencing a boom in business aviation growth...

A Beechcraft Bonanza hit a tractor-trailer truck on a road near the Montrose Airport in Colorado on Monday, narrowly missing several homes. Both on board the airplane died; nobody on the ground was hurt. The pilot had just bought the airplane about a week ago and was apparently practicing touch-and-goes with an instructor on board...

A skydivers' airplane and an American Airlines jet got too close over Illinois on Sunday, the jet took evasive action, and the FAA is investigating.