On The Fly…

Blakey confirmed visit to Sun ‘n Fun…Meigs anniversary marked…Long Beach Airport tries flashing PAPIs to prevent incursions…Second World War Ace Pierre Clostermann died…

Authorities in California have confirmed that Cessna-owned 208B Caravan went down near Yucaipa, Calif. Tuesday, killing Cessna Regional Sales Manager Steve O'Neill and Rick Voorhis, president of Pacific Aircraft Sales, Inc., which is based in Reno, Nev. The plane went down in a mountainous region about 75 miles east of Los Angeles. Inmates at a nearby prison camp reported seeing the plane go down and said it seemed to be having engine problems...

FAA Administrator Marion Blakey will attend Sun 'n Fun at Lakeland Linder Airport in Florida next week. Blakey told AVweb in an interview she will make her first trip to the show April 7. AVweb will be running the full audiocast interview with Blakey on the same day...

Meigs Field lives on, at least in the political aftermath of the destruction of the airport three years ago. The Meigs Action Coalition will stage its third anniversary event in memory of the bizarre event Friday. It's also a tuneup for the coming mayoralty election campaign in 2007. Details at ragoodstein@hotmail.com…

Long Beach Airport has come up with a novel way to prevent potential incursions. A system will detect aircraft on Runway 30 and start the precision approach path indicator (PAPI) lights flashing. If they don't stop flashing by the time aircraft on final for 30 reach 500 feet AGL, pilots are to call the tower and get ready to go around...

Colorful and controversial Second World War ace Pierre Closterman died at age 85 last week. Flying for the RAF as part of the Free French, he is credited with 18 aircraft destroyed on the air and on the ground. He also wrote a bestselling book on his war experience called The Big Show.