On The Fly…

Locked up C-182 stolen in Arizona…New air routes spark opposition in Jersey…Heathrow spending $800 million in A380 improvements…New Mexico approved $110 million for spaceport.

Don't blame lax security on the theft of a Cessna 182 from Marana Airport in Arizona last week. To get the plane airborne and headed for Mexico, the thief had to defeat keypad access, a padlock on the hangar and the plane's own locks...

The FAA is looking at new routes over New Jersey to try and pack more planes into the nation's most crowded airspace. The New Jersey State Assembly voted overwhelmingly to oppose the package...

The A380's impact is already being felt and it hasn't carried a single passenger. London Heathrow Airport is spending more than $800 million in improvements to gates, baggage handling and taxiways to accommodate the 555-seat airliner...

New Mexico has freed up $110 million to invest in a spaceport proposed for Upham. The site was chosen for its sparse population, high elevation and uncluttered airspace. It will be home to Virgin Galactic's commercial space venture.