On The Fly…
Four-year-old makes no-fly list…Twin Star gains 187 pounds (of EASA OK’d payload)…U-2 may be retired by 2011…GlobalFlyer damaged in accident with fuel truck.
Edward Allen probably can't even read the list but he's on it. The four-year-old boy was initially stopped from boarding a flight in Houston after his name came up on the anti-terrorism no-fly list. Common sense prevailed....
The Diamond Twin Star has been given a gross weight increase of 187 lbs. by the European Aviation Safety Agency. With full tanks, the plane's payload is now 836 lbs. FAA approval is expected shortly...
There's word out of the Pentagon of yet another attempt to retire the U-2. This time, the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft are supposed to be phased out by 2011, to be replaced by UAVs. We'll see...
GlobalFlyer was substantially damaged when a wing hit a fuel truck during fueling at its base in Salina, Kan. Repairs will delay a planned repositioning flight to Cape Kennedy in preparation for the Ultimate Flight record attempt. It's not known if the record flight itself will also be delayed.