On The Fly…
Roof collapsed on Millville, N.J. flight services station…Mineta will speak at AOPA Expo…TFRs, including ADIZ coming to New York Sept. 14-28.
The future of the Millville, N.J. Flight Services Station remains uncertain after part of the roof collapsed on the building housing it last week. FAA spokesman Jim Peters said they're looking at setting up in temporary quarters if the building can't be quickly repaired. Briefings are now being handled by other offices. The building is owned by the local airport authority and roof timbers weakened by flame retardant gave way, Peters said...
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta will be the featured speaker at AOPA Expo. Mineta will be the first Transportation Secretary to speak at the convention and he'll appear at the general session on Nov. 5...
Temporary flight restrictions, including and Air Defense Identification Zone, will be set up in New York from Sept. 14 to Sept. 28 during the 60th anniversary of the United Nations. Leaders of most countries will attend.