On The Fly…

Two U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds made airborne contact, Saturday…Cessna CEO Jack Pelton named vice chairman of the GAMA…Three Fla. officials aboard a Cessna that hit a turkey vulture…An aviation high school is born in Riverside, Calif.

The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds cut short a demonstration on Chicago's waterfront Saturday when two of the planes made contact and one lost a missile rail. The four-foot chunk of composite fell into Lake Michigan. Sunday's performance was cancelled because of the mishap...

Cessna CEO Jack Pelton has been named vice chairman of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA). Cirrus CEO Alan Klapmeier was named chair of the Security Issues Committee and six board members, including Mooney CEO Gretchen Hahn, Honeywell CEO Rob Gillette, Woodward Governor Company's Martin Glass, Embraer's Scott Kalister, Honeywell's Tim Mahoney and Smiths Aerospace's Simon Prior, were named...

Three Florida civic officials were aboard a Cessna twin that hit a turkey vulture. The big bird tore a hole in the plane's wing and caused a fuel leak. It made an emergency landing at Merritt Island Airport...

You've heard of aviation universities and now an aviation high school will open in Riverside, Calif., in September. Wathen Aviation High School will cover the California high school curriculum but with an aviation bias. For instance, optional English literature classes will focus on the works of Saint-Exupery, Lindbergh and Gann.