On The Fly…

EAA’s Tony Bingelis Award goes to Mel Asberry…Two national awards for bravery for Air Force heli pilot Capt. Steven Edwards…An English businessman is building his own Spitfire…A gathering of tri-motors will be at AirVenture.

A long-time technical and safety advisor for his Texas EAA chapter will be honored by his peers at the Homebuilders Dinner at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. Mel Asberry, of Farmersville, Texas, will get the Tony Bingelis Award for his work with homebuilders…

An Air Force helicopter pilot from Montana has received two national awards for bravery after he managed to land his MH-53M Pave Low chopper even though a rocket-propelled grenade had blown away most of the instrument panel on a mission in Iraq in 2004. Capt. Steven Edwards got the Karen Kolligian Jr. Trophy from the Air Force and the American Legions Aviator Valor Award…

With a fuselage he found here, a wing he found there and parts from all over an English businessman is building his own Spitfire. Martin Phillips estimates it will cost more than $1 million make the WWII fighter airworthy…

At least nine vintage tri-motor aircraft will be at EAA AirVenture this year. The gathering of tri-motors is believed to be the largest ever held and will include Fords, a Bushmaster and a one-of-a-kind Kreutzer Air Coach.