On The Fly…
Flight attendant sentenced to five years for bomb scare “joke”…House voted to bar United pension bailout…New automated oceanic control system in operation…Wings to Adventure to debut on Outdoor Channel July 3.
An off-duty flight attendant who wrote a bomb scare note and then claimed to find it in an aircraft washroom has been sentenced to five years in a federal prison. Gay Wilson was flying as a passenger on the American Airlines flight and told the court she wrote the note as a prank. Two fighters escorted the Boston-bound flight to Nashville after crew members reported the note...
The House of Representatives has passed a bill barring United Air Lines from defaulting on its pension plans but it might already be too late. The Pension Benefit Guaranty, a federal agency that bails out pension funds, has already taken over one of United's four funds...
A new automated control system for oceanic traffic is now operating in New York. The system, when fully deployed, will reduce spacing from 100 miles to 30 miles on most routes...
Wings to Adventure, featuring AVweb's Liz Swaine, debuts July 3 at 2:30 p.m. EST on the Outdoor Channel. The high-definition programming covers the gamut of aviation topics including aircraft profiles, places to fly and pilot tips. The shows will be repeated Mondays at 4:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 1:30 a.m.