On The Fly…

Alphabets fight move to charge for weather…Body parts fall from airliner…America West pilots guilty of trying to fly drunk…Russian pilot’s “hooliganism” cited in crash.

Two leading aviation organizations are fighting to keep free weather. The National Business Aviation Association and the National Air Transportation Association have fired off letters protesting a proposed Senate bill that would prohibit government agencies from providing weather information for free if there are private companies who want to do it for profit...

Body parts from a presumed stowaway fell on a garage roof in a New York suburb Tuesday from a South African Airways flight. It's believed the stowaway snuck into a wheel well during a stop in Dakar. Pilots heard banging during the flight but the landing gear seemed to work properly....

Two former America West pilots have been convicted of trying to fly while drunk. A Florida jury found the pair guilty and they face up to five years in prison. They were hauled off the flight on July 1, 2001 after security personnel smelled alcohol on them...

Russian authorities have blamed a pilot's "outrageous hooliganism" for the crash of a MiG-29. Russian Air Force Commander-in-Chief Gen. Vladimir Mikhaylov said there was no need to ground the fleet because of the reckless actions of the pilot, who performed a low-level roll before the plane crashed, killing him.