On The Fly…
Bombardier withheld dividend payments…Report sheds little light on Ian Groom crash…CAP practiced tsunami drill in Hawaii…Winnipeg Flying Club closed after 78 years…Hail caused $2.1 million damage to Navy aircraft…Malaysia facing pilot shortage.
Bombardier is withholding $130 million (CAD) in dividend payments this year to cope with red ink and to help fund development of a new airliner. It's the first time in 32 years that the company has not issued dividends...
We'll probably never know what happened to aerobatic pilot Ian Groom last April 30. The NTSB report on Groom's crash into the ocean off Fort Lauderdale gives no indication why he failed to pull out of a flat spin that he initiated as part of his practice for an air show routine...
If a tsunami threatens Hawaii, the Civil Air Patrol will do its best to warn people. CAP conducted a drill last week in which its aircraft flew low over beaches and waterfront areas. If the real thing were to occur, the aircraft would use sirens, yelpers and loud hailers to urge people to higher ground...
One of Canada's oldest flying clubs has closed. Winnipeg Flying Club directors agreed to wind up the club's business operations on March 30. The club had been operating for 78 years but a recent downturn in business has squeezed revenues. The aircraft and buildings will be sold and then there are plans to reopen the club at a future date...
Hail caused at least $2.1 million in damage to aircraft at Whiting Naval Air Station in Florida 10 days ago. Ninety six of 121 TH-57 helicopters suffered moderate to severe damage to rotors and windshields and 50 of 151 T-34s were damaged by the baseball-sized hail. Buildings also suffered...
Pilots looking for a job might consider Malaysia. The government is considering setting up a new flying academy to help cope with a chronic shortage of pilots. There are only 150 helicopter and 2,800 fixed-wing pilots in the country but it's not known if foreign pilots are being invited to take up the slack.