On The Fly…

Most airlines are cutting seats…Flight training materials aimed at younger teens…Maine pilots invited to security session…Ugandan pilot arrested after crash kills two bystanders.

It should be harder to book airline reservations as airlines start chopping seats to save money. Most major airlines are retiring old, inefficient planes and replacing them with smaller aircraft or simply chopping flights. The exception is Southwest, which expects to add 10 percent more capacity this year...

A New Mexico flight instructor has developed training material aimed specifically at younger student pilots. The books are aimed at the 12-16 age group, particularly those who fly infrequently. Included is a brochure for parents and instructors...

Pilots in the area of Ironwood, Michigan, are being encouraged to attend a security meeting concerning their local airport on April 14. Airport manager Joseph Braspenick called the meeting in the wake of the spate of mainstream media attention on GA security a couple of weeks ago. A TSA representative will address the pilots...

A Ugandan pilot has been arrested in the Congo after a crash that killed two bystanders. According to The Monitor in Kampala, the two were "walking on a runway" when "the wings of the shattered plane hit them." The plane was apparently blown into a building while taxiing.